Friday, December 20, 2013

true story

all stories are true, except the one's which are fiction and then those can be manipulated to become the truth if someone is inspired to live the story someone else told because it was just so much more exciting than, say, their own life.

but what happens when the stories that are written get so far from the original truth that inspired the stories in the first place?

ta da, everything in your reality stops making sense.

what you thought was important turns out to be the things people use against you.  and everything of value and importance, gone, stolen really, in their version of your story, they exercise all the control over everything and they can do whatever they want.  those that manipulate stories to become reality, that is, they can do whatever they want because they know how to project out a story and then filling in the blanks with whatever happens to be there to fill in the story in the moment.

some stories are written with certain people in mind; others, well, they are written with a concept of a person in mind and then the storytellers manipulate the script to include their favorite of the moment to play that character for them.

the Best Story Tellers win in the end, usually.  not the actual best story teller, mind you, but the Best Story Tellers, the one's that have nothing to lose by telling the stories of their lives and how it all came to be.

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