it started on tumblr, but that was in my dream.
so, in the morning, of course it started in this spanish villa i found myself in the morning after ....
no one wants to know that part of the story.
everyone wants to use their own imagination, don't they?
why is it iany ore fascinating to know what goes on in anyone's mind if you have no idea what they are really doing?
or maybe you do, because it seems that everyone seems to have access to whatever information is being gathered and there are just so many ways to do that in a digital world and the structure is already in place and who exactly is your local #nsavoyeur and how the hell do you think you can trust him or her, because there are some seriously freakish stalking chikas out there too ......
seriously lonely.
but not alone.
so pleasantly distracted if it matters.
would just so much rather be at the beck and call of #urpleasur
but, that's just me
#playing until
then because
what else is there to do
no on listens to me anyway ....
just know your way out
is never through hyd
and seek its just
hard and wet
when i think
about it
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