Thursday, October 24, 2013



it doesn't even matter what color it is, its just BRIGHT!

close your eyes.  cover your eyes with your hands, this could hurt if you look into it.

AH, but YOU dared to do it and what did you see?

there it is ... that's the infinite me you caught
a glimpse of in that moment of your
moment you thought you were
The Light (as in Light #2
which allows minions
to play in my
do as
they please)
to bring the infinite you
more clearly in view in an unseparable
truth justified by deception that the reality which gives
us all life is just -- an illusion?  mother earth an illusion?  Fukushima is not a nuclear plant melting down?
i dunno ... this infinite being is 3D
at the end of the day.  3D
holographics do not
this existence

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

I Don't Know

Is the best answer to give when its the truth.
Its often the hardest answer to know if its the truth.
It is an answer that is often given as a lie and often the truth when what is spoken is a lie.

To raise awareness to the question that is asked
"what is your story today" ... and the answer is "I don't know"
Not that "I don't know what I did today," but "my own story"
right now
has so many
you know, ellipses.
[and not just to mess with #dhs #nsa or #anon or #wtfur]

because there is a constant context of plot lines any life script may take in the moment it is in, and until you get more and more experiences consistent with the same script, you can't really see the context of your story.  what you thought was the main plot line may just be the deep feed into the reality just beyond that one in that dream you could not remember upon waking this morning.

Friday, October 4, 2013


i suppose it is time to go to sleep?! a message i typed to no one in particular except that particular you that you are and because that doesn't make sense to anyone but you, you do indeed know who you are. and if you are reading this and do not think you know who you are, or at least you are curious to know what i think about who you are, i wonder exactly who that is. because the TRUTH is, i know nothing about you and you do not care to share with me anymore than you do so .... i care only to share with whomever it is who will find this writing one day in context with all the rest and whenever that maybe is and all ways can only b you as the u u r u r on u r on i u r on me coming exactly how you know you would when you could do what you wanted in the moment you finally realized the truth in this reality that never before existed that you too could make pornography you would want in your tumblr feed and one that would turn you on every day no matter ur mood =)

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

making public comment

in a little back room of some government building that is now irrelevant because it is irrelevant they've got nuregs now that take human life and calculate its worth to be less than you guessed it less than b4 . . . . nuRegs redesigned with the NWO, u know, humanized to the point of survival one love is a n o t h e r way of saying it, isn't it? lol -- i had several favorite speakers at today's NRC's #publiccomment on #wasteconfidence: first ... mad props to #jeremyofMitsubishi OKUPI! and then there was my favorite kind of public comment -- the genius! He was probably like the guy in red converse high tops that attends every city council meeting, but perhaps with a different name and maybe this one calling into the NRC is taller, but they echo the same chorus. He voiced something I know, yet had not given it a real thoughtful thought: a meteorite landing in a nuclear cooling pool. I am glad that I wasn't the one who had to have that dream to even give voice to that potential reality we face every moment. WOW! What a chemical reaction THAT would be!