Thursday, January 2, 2014



because to have any context to anything you hear or see that has nothing to do with you, which is everything you see when everything in your reality is about you, because, as we know in truth in justice -- for any one thing to be true its opposite must be true as well.  The Law of Converse is what I believe "They" call it.  They use it quite handily and arbitrarily as I have found in my experience.

often what is true for one is not for the other.  perhaps where our imbalanced competitiveness has had such fertile soil to grow into this mess we are when we think about it -- really take a moment and think about this world and all the systems that seem to be so broken because of all the negativity we are experiencing.

mostly, 2014, my quest has taken the "Answer" as top priority.  Following the instructions of what They say, "Love is the answer," that's what I'm going for despite the fact that I believe that my Cosmic Consort truly must be on a planet far far away inasmuch as he is not here in this moment . . .

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